
August 2022

💎 The Moral Equivalent of War
💎 How to Work Hard
💎 Fierce Nerds
💎 1922: Why I Quit Being So Accommodating
💎 Vincent Chan: Inside Paypal
💎 Sick Systems
💎 Impatient
💎 How Not to Die
💎 Productivity - Sam Altman
💎 The Idea Maze
💎 We Don't Sell Saddles Here
💎 You'll Be Dead Soon - Carpe Diem
How People Learn to Become Resilient
The Document Culture of Amazon
The 18 Mistakes that kill startups
Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas
Startup = Growth
Maker's Schedule
The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups
Product Zeitgeist Fit
Social Capital
Always Be Shipping
How to Invest in Startups
Stop Worrying About Cupholders
How to Become the Best in the World at Something
💎 Building Fast Interpreters in Rust
💎 Scaling Slack's Job Queue
💎 Abstract Syntax Tree for Patching Code and Assessing Code Quality
💎 Show HN: Search code in GitHub repos using regular expressions
We scaled the GitHub API with a sharded, replicated rate limiter in Redis
Commits are snapshots, not diffs
Beating JSON performance with Protobuf
React Relay and GraphQL Under the Hood of the Times Website Redesign
Codestream - The State of Software Development 2021
Designing Job Queue in Redis
How we achieved write speeds of 1.4 million rows per second
I wrote one of the fastest DataFrame libraries
Faster Javascript Calls
Taking ML to production with Rust: a 25x speedup
Causal Trees & Operational CRDTs
Lessons Learned Building an ML Trading System
Using BPF to Transform SSH Sessions into Structured Events